:py:mod:`sovabids.bids` ======================= .. py:module:: sovabids.bids .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module with bids utilities. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: sovabids.bids.update_dataset_description .. py:function:: update_dataset_description(dataset_description, bids_path, do_not_create=False) Update the dataset_description.json located at bids_path given a dictionary. If it exist, updates with the new given values. If it doesn't exist, then creates it. :param dataset_description: The dataset_description dictionary to update with, following the schema of the dataset_description.json file of bids. :type dataset_description: dict :param bids_path: The bids_path of the dataset description file, basically the folder where the file is. :type bids_path: str :param do_not_create: If true, does not create the file if it does not exist. :type do_not_create: bool