Source code for sovabids.sovarpc

Action Oriented RPC API for Sovabids.

import traceback
import fastapi_jsonrpc as jsonrpc
from typing import List, Optional
import sovabids.rules as ru
import sovabids.convert as co
import sovabids.files as fi
from sovabids.errors import ApplyError,ConvertError,SaveError,RulesError,FileListError
[docs]app = jsonrpc.API()
[docs]api = jsonrpc.Entrypoint('/api/sovabids')
# Sadly we will need to manage the docstring of these methods by hand since the fastapi documentation # Does not support sphinx references @api.method(errors=[ApplyError])
[docs]def apply_rules( file_list: List[str], bids_path: str, rules: dict, mapping_path: str ) -> dict: """Apply rules to a set of files. Parameters ---------- file_list : list of str List of str with the paths of the files we want to convert (ie the output of get_files). bids_path : str The path we want the converted files in. rules : dict A dictionary with the rules. mapping_path : str, optional The fullpath where we want to write the mappings file. If '', then bids_path/code/sovabids/mappings.yml will be used. Returns ------- dict : A dictionary following: { 'General': rules given, 'Individual':list of mapping dictionaries for each file } Notes ----- A wrapper of around rules.apply_rules function. See docstring of :py:func:`apply_rules() <rules.apply_rules>` in :py:mod:`rules` """ try: mappings = ru.apply_rules(source_path=file_list,bids_path=bids_path,rules=rules,mapping_path=mapping_path) except: raise ApplyError(data={'details': traceback.format_exc()}) return mappings
[docs]def convert_them( general : dict, individual: List[dict] ) -> None: """Convert eeg files to bids according to the mappings given. Parameters ---------- general : dict The general rules individual: list[dict] List with the individual mappings of each file. Notes ----- A wrapper of around convert.convert_them function. See docstring of :py:func:`convert_them() <convert.convert_them>` in :py:mod:`convert` Returns ------- None """ try: data = {'General':general,'Individual':individual} co.convert_them(mappings_input=data) except: raise ConvertError(data={'details': traceback.format_exc()})
[docs]def load_rules( rules_path: str, ) -> dict: """Load rules from a path. Parameters ---------- rules_path : str The path to the rules file. Returns ------- dict The rules dictionary. Notes ----- A wrapper of around rules.load_rules function. See docstring of :py:func:`load_rules() <rules.load_rules>` in :py:mod:`rules` """ try: rules = ru.load_rules(rules_path) except: raise RulesError(data={'details': traceback.format_exc()}) return rules
[docs]def apply_rules_to_single_file( file:str, rules:dict, bids_path:str, write:bool=False, preview:bool=False ) -> dict: """Apply rules to a single file. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to the file. rules : dict The rules dictionary. bids_path : str Path to the bids directory write : bool, optional Whether to write the converted files to disk or not. preview : bool, optional Whether to return a dictionary with a "preview" of the conversion. This dict will have the same schema as the "Mapping File Schema" but may have flat versions of its fields. *UNDER CONSTRUCTION* Returns ------- dict: { mapping : dict The mapping obtained from applying the rules to the given file preview : bool|dict If preview = False, then False. If True, then the preview dictionary. } Notes ----- A wrapper of around rules.apply_rules_to_single_file function. See docstring of :py:func:`apply_rules_to_single_file() <rules.apply_rules_to_single_file>` in :py:mod:`rules` """ try: mapping,preview=ru.apply_rules_to_single_file(file,rules,bids_path,write,preview) except: raise ApplyError(data={'details': traceback.format_exc()}) return {'mapping':mapping,'preview':preview}
[docs]def save_rules( rules:dict, path:str ) -> None: """Save rules as a yaml file to a path. Parameters ---------- rules: dict The rules dictionary to save path : str The full-path (including filename) where to save the rules as yaml. Returns ------- None Notes ----- A wrapper of around files._write_yaml function. See docstring of :py:func:`_write_yaml() <files._write_yaml>` in :py:mod:`files` """ try: fi._write_yaml(path,rules) except: raise SaveError(data={'details': traceback.format_exc()}) return
[docs]def save_mappings( path:str, general:dict, individual:List[dict] ) -> None: """Save mappings as a yaml file to a path. Parameters ---------- path : str The full-path (including filename) where to save the mappings as yaml. general: dict The general rules dictionary. individual: list of dict A list containing the mapping dictionary of each file. Returns ------- None Notes ----- A wrapper of around files._write_yaml function. See docstring of :py:func:`_write_yaml() <files._write_yaml>` in :py:mod:`files` """ try: data = {'General':general,'Individual':individual} fi._write_yaml(path,data) except: raise SaveError(data={'details': traceback.format_exc()}) return
[docs]def get_files( path:str, rules:dict ) -> list: """Recursively scan the directory for valid files, returning a list with the full-paths to each. The valid files are given by the 'non-bids.eeg_extension' rule. See the "Rules File Schema". Parameters ---------- path : str The path we want to obtain the files from. rules : dict The rules dictionary. Returns ------- list[str]: A list containing the path to each valid file in the source_path. Notes ----- A wrapper of around rules.get_files function. See docstring of :py:func:`get_files() <rules.get_files>` in :py:mod:`rules` """ try: filelist = ru.get_files(path,rules) except: raise FileListError(data={'details': traceback.format_exc()}) return filelist
[docs]def main(entry='sovarpc:app',port=5000,debug=False): import uvicorn, port=port, debug=debug, access_log=False)
if __name__ == '__main__': main(port=5100)